Incoterms 2020 are a set of three-letter terms that regulate the responsibilities of companies in contracts for the sale of goods, accepted by governments, businessmen and professionals around the world for the interpretation of the most common terms used in International Trade . The Incoterms rules regulate the following: At what time and place the transfer of risks occurs on. the merchandise, from the seller to the buyer.
DPU is designed for those companies that are responsible for selling projects or very delicate goods that require controlling the entire logistics chain from loading at origin to unloading and commissioning at destination (except for customs procedures and payment of taxes. at destination).
But, in addition to the change from DAT to DPU, there have been small changes in CIP / CIF and FCA. In CIP / CIF there are modifications in the insurance coverage: until now it was required to contract a policy with, at least, ICC “C” coverage in both cases. With the start-up of INCOTERMS 2020, if we agree to ship under CIP conditions, the coverage must be ICC “A” (the so-called “all maritime risk”) while if the shipment is made under CIF conditions, the obligation to contract at least ICC “C” coverage (lower than class “A”).
Regarding the FCA, in the 2020 version the option is established, in the case of maritime transport, so that the buyer can instruct the carrier (shipping company or its agent) who has contracted to issue a Bill of Lading ( B / L - Bill of Lading) with the notation “on board”, which indicates that the merchandise has been loaded on board the ship. This is the most common transport document that is used in the operation of letters of credit to justify the delivery of the merchandise and, with it, make the payment to the seller effective.
The rest of the changes are of less depth, more "formal" and are related to the presentation of information, the list of expenses, the obligation of the seller or buyer, when indicated by the INCOTERMS term to contract the transport (which is indicated until now) or provide it by their own means (the novelty in INCOTERMS 2020 if you have your own fleet that does not require contracting with third parties), the inclusion of requirements derived from transport security in a generic way (for example VGM) or the inclusion of explanatory notes that, until now, did not exist.